Our Top 3 Most Viewed Figaros Ever!

Over the years we’ve been lucky enough to create some spectacular Figaros which have either featured on television, or had lots of exposure so many people have seen them.  

We wanted to recap a top 3 ‘most seen’ Figaros for you to enjoy in case you missed them.  Here thery are:

First up, our most ‘viewed’ was the pink car we were fortunate to be able to supply to the X Factor when they were filming the finals.  Grace, one of the finalists, was driven onto the set in a pink Figaro that we had restored.  This episode was watched by around 5 million people so we were like proud parents!

Second up – we supplied one of our cars to the television programme ‘Modern Wheels or Classic Steals’.   In this programme two specialist car dealers have to convince a potential buyer to buy their car – either a modern or a classic.  We supplied the production company with a lovely Lapiz Grey Figaro as the ‘classic’ and…. to our delight, it was the Figaro the buyer chose, stating how “it makes me happy” – a sentiment many Figaro owners can agree with!

And finally, we absolutely loved making a car for a customer who is a real West Ham fan and wanted a Figaro in full West Ham colours….right through to the custom interior!  We took this little beauty up to the NEC Classic Car Show in Birmingham, attended by over 3,000 classic vehicles and 70,000 people.  As you can imagine, it created a bit of stir with lots of people wanting to look around it and ask questions about its distinctive styling.

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